***UPDATE 2.0***
MORE well wishes needed!!!
Friends Hannah and Matt are sick, as well as MEEEEEE. *sigh* It's the apocalypse. Also, learned that there is prune juice in Dr. Pepper. More on this later.
NOT going to dinner with other families, plans fell through. BUT - I am going to dinner with MY family. :P
Also - more well wishes. My girl Maxii needs some, she's sick, too. ((Everyone I care about is getting ill!!!))
So... I've been playing with this new software I've got - Picasa... and I've been toying around with the collage function, so I figured I'd make a banner for my blog... what do you all think?? It plays off the "face time" theme, depicting most of the face time I've gotten already, as well as my "goal" thrown in the middle!! ((I'MA GET MAH FACE TIME DONNIE! GET AT YOUR GIRL!))
Haven't heard anything new about Donnie's health status... he hasn't updated his blog or anything - none of th boys have. Keep the well wishes coming! Hopefully, it's just a cold!
ALSO - if you're in the mood for sending well wishes - toss some out to my girl Jordan, she's been having back problems as of late, and could use the wishes and prayers. :)
This is so cool - I'm actually updating my blog FROM Picasa!!! Seriously, you guys, if you haven't tried this stuff out already, you should! It's a free download, and it's fairly basic software, but it's good for a quick fix! ((Shout out to Melissa who totally told me about it!))
Since I've got you here, might as well update about the other night -
Got a few pics, but don't have them yet... the kids were totally all dressed up and SO adorable! My little Asher was a skunk (I say my, but he's not my kid... I just steal him from his mom every chance I get hahaha), and there was a Tinkerbell, and plenty of superheroes running around INCLUDING IRON MAN!!!
My costume didn't pan out, so I ended up going as a fan girl - so I had my Iron Man shirt on. Needless to say, when I met Iron Man, I freaked, shaking his hand and telling him how much of a fan I was and could I please get a picture... and he was so sweet, said that'd be fine, and he even posed and everything and you better believe it when I get that pic it'll be up here!!! (That was quite possibly the longest run-on sentence I've ever written, but I figure I'll leave it - it shows how excited I was. haha)
I got a bunch of candy, too, which is great because I JUST finished my halloween candy from LAST year!!
Oh, and interesting little tid bit. You know how Mexico has the Dia De Los Muertos (Day of the Dead) celebration?? Well, I learned that Spain has something a tad similar, called Dia De Todos Los Santos (All Saint's Day). It's still a time to remember the dead, like Dia De Los Muertos, but instead of a celebration, Dia De Todos Los Santos is a time of mourning and remembering those lost.
Interesting, I didn't know such a "holiday" existed! I'm still learning about it, so if you all want to know more, post comments and I'll update you as I learn stuff. :P
Still working on that Max Payne review - I know, I know, I sooooo owe you guys... but I promise, it'll be epic.. EPIC I TELL YOU!
BIG SHOUT OUT to my Block Heads for all the WONDERFUL pics, the Madison Square Garden ones are still, by far, my favorite!
Hannah - I'm fairly certain you find the craziest cakes in the world... that's SO awesome!
Also - I've added a playlist to the page... if you send me songs, I'll do my best to add them to the playlist. :) Also... you guys are my readers... so... don't be afraid to tell me what you want to hear about! Be it my take on news articles or even what movies you want reviewed, just let me know! :P
I have a dinner tonight with a few families... it should be fun. The day itself is rather blah... but it's windy and looks like it'll rain again which is great. I love the rain!
And of course Tuesday is election day, so we've got that coming up... and I have a Jury Summons the same day! I'm hoping when I call they won't want me, because I really don't want to do it right now lol.
I guess I'll call it a blog! ha...
Get ya mind right.
I am involved currently in an EPIC PIC WAR with another block head, and right now - she's winning. I have no idea where she gets her pics from but if you guys find any New Kids on the Block pics - past or present - send them to me, cuz she's got like, a secret stash or something!!! HAHA!
Zac Efron
High School Musical 3: Senior Year
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