A story a day keeps the doctor at bay... as long as it's written that way!

So I'm gonna try something new for February.

My friend Jordan has been posting a sketch a day over on her blog, and I really love what she's been turning out. Plus, it's really been inspiring me... she's said in a few of her posts that posting a sketch a day isn't really helping her self esteem... and while I think she's doing a great job, I also admire that she continues to do it, regardless of how well she feels she's doing.

So, I'm going to try and do the same... but since I'm crapsticks when it comes to drawing, I'm going to try and write something everyday. Mostly, it'll be little drabbles... probably not the most amazing written pieces in the world, but it'll be a way for me to try out new writing techniques, and just get some practice in.

IF you have any ideas for any possible stories (remember to keep in mind that it's a story a day, so no LOTR-esque prompts please lol) or what not, feel free to leave them!! You can leave a comment at the bottom of this post, OR in the comment box to the right, or head on over to my SUGGESTION BOX and leave them for me there. :)

Each story will be posted to a shiny new LJ account which will be linked to from HEEE-YAH.

It is your attitude of a task that determines success or failure.

So... that's what's to come for February. Also, February is Spock month. My calendar says so. woo. Happy Spock Month. Live long and prosper.

Peace out.

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Gaining My Respect: David Tennant

About a month ago, I started watching a show called Doctor Who. It was quite a move, because I had never once been four whole seasons behind on something, and actually wanted to catch up. But I decided I wanted to try. I remembered I really liked the show a while back, when I first started to watch it, so I started from the beginning* and worked my way up... fairly quickly. Now, 4 seasons and 5 epic specials later, I am awaiting new episodes and trying to keep from appearing rabid.

In my previous viewing, I had seen all of the first season, with Christopher Eccleston as the Doctor, and a bit of the second, when David Tennant took over. It had been a few years since then, but what I remembered most was not the Doctor I took an entire season getting to know, but the one that followed him, the one I only knew for a few episodes... and he was the reason I started watching again. I remembered him... after only a few episodes, I remembered this actor's face for literally years. I didn't know his name, didn't know of anything else he was in, but I knew that face, and would randomly see it online.

There was just something about him. It wasn't like I was actively trying to find out who he was, I just couldn't forget him. Whatever he had done in those few episodes that I had seen had definitely been memorable. As I worked my way through the series, I began to find out exactly what it was about him that I loved.

David Tennant is a phenomenal actor. He can say more with his eyes than most people can with the most fanciful and colorful words imaginable. And his has this way of completely and utterly drawing you in, making you believe what he's feeling, what he's saying... you really do simply believe him. The Doctor is an incredibly difficult role to play - you have to as an actor create this person that is brilliant, snarky, a little rude, slightly mad, and insanely tragic and lonely - and Tennant does it beautifully.

He has his face to help him with that. Where most actors have expressive eyebrows, or an expressive smile, or very talkative eyes, Tennant has everything. His face tells stories. He has the most infectious glee face I've ever seen, and when he's angry you definitely know... but there are so many different looks in between. If he's confused, mischievous, scared, aggravated, angry, sad, lonely, hurt, etc. etc., you know. And it's so clear that you're frustrated for him, you laugh with him, and - at least in my case - sometimes you cry. But he doesn't rely on that... there are times when his face is a blank slate and it still speaks volumes.

He's Scottish, and normally speaks with a Scottish accent, unless he's the Doctor, in which case he's British. But both accents are absolutely flawless. He's a physical actor, always moving about, and boy howdy, he has some great hair. It was really difficult not to fall in love with him, and even more difficult - after 3 whole seasons - to let him go. He gave himself so completely to the role of the Doctor that it's incredibly hard to imagine anyone else trying to fill his shoes, and it's even harder to imagine the show without him.

But he has a few movies lined up and, even if he doesn't get work for a few more years, I think it's obvious I won't forget him... because he's absolutely gained my respect, and I'm not in a hurry to revoke that privilege.

*the beginning of the 2005 continuation, not the beginning of Doctor Who all together... that's a LOT of episodes XD

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Do you know the Muffin Man? He lives on Wisteria Lane...

Okay, so maybe the muffin man doesn't, but Susan, Lynette, Gabrielle, Bree, Katherine, and Angie do. And, starting late Spring, so will John Barrowman.

Seeing as I've used this little Christmas - Present (see what I did there? Christmas? Present? CHRISTMAS PRE--moving on) to fall in love with Barrowman, I was absolutely thrilled to tears that he's going to be on Desperate Housewives. Why? Because I... um... well... I... Ilovedesperatehousewives. I'm sorry... you didn't hear me? Well... I said... um... I... *coughlovedesperatehousewivescough* You STILL didn't hear me? Alright fine.

I love Desperate Housewives.

I know, I know. I'll give you a moment to judge me. ...done? Okay. The sad thing about this all is I can't even explain why I love it. It's not like I'm this insane Eva Longoria fangirl (though I do love Teri Hatcher!). I can't say I started watching because of Jesse Metcalfe. I can't even say I was intrigued by the idea of the narrator being the late Mary Alice, although the mystery surrounding her was pretty awesome. I just really, honestly, like the show. It really baffles me, though, because I am seriously so picky about what I watch.

As it stands, I only really watch Heroes, Supernatural, Doctor Who, and Psych. There are so many new shows that I want to check out, like Flash Forward or White Collar or Demons that look so interesting, but I just can't make myself watch them. And there are other shows that I should like, that I have every reason to like, but I don't... like Glee. Still there are other shows I would love to watch regularly, like Mad Men, Leverage, and Entourage, but I can't because that would require me to make time.

But Desperate Housewives which, on paper, shouldn't appeal to me at all, is a must-see on my agenda. If I had to try and pinpoint a reason, I would probably say the show is smart. It's just really, really... smart. The cast is great and every character is so necessary (Even Edie who I've despised since episode is missed), and it doesn't focus on just one character. Plus, they show how even the most innocent of situations - i.e. a suburban neighborhood - can still be ripe with delightfully evil people. Because everyone can be evil. The writing is really good, too... and while the previews have always painted it as this soap opera-y love fest, even the love stories are amazing and so well done. And, as someone pointed out earlier, the show was able to jump 5 years in its 5th season and is still just as strong as it was in Season 1. It's funny (OMJ, when Carlos' mother got hit by that car), moving, and gripping at the same time. And casting Barrowman only proves how smart the show is.

Although... what it really comes down to is: Everyone needs a guilty pleasure. And I'm finding I have quite a few. So... consider this post the first in a new segment known as... you guessed it: Guilty Pleasures! It's kind of like what "Song of the Day" has become, because really... that's all those songs are; Guilty pleasures.

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I think that's what they call a "hiatus"...

And how! I'm sure it's been close to a month since my last post, and I gotta say, I've really missed this place!

I'd love to be able to tell you all that my life is just super busy and I have no time to update, or that I was abducted by aliens and didn't have wi-fi, 3G, or anything else in the Medusa Cascade, or even that I joined a convent that was 100% anti-blogging, due to the social constraints it places on blah blah blah... but, I don't have anything cool like that to report.

No, my absence is due to 2010 HATING MY GUTS. And by "2010 HATING MY GUTS" I mean, my hard drive crashed on New Year's Eve and I've been computer-less for some time. It took about 3 1/2 weeks to figure out what was wrong with my computer, locate and purchase a new hard drive, and get it installed... during which time, I was at the mercy of my iPhone.

I love my iPhone, I really do... it's great, and perfect for those moments when you REALLY want to share something on Facebook or Twitter or Tumblr, but you aren't near a computer. It's convenient and helpful... what it ISN'T is a sufficient laptop replacement.

I think it took about a week before I started going through withdrawals. I started out thinking, this is fine, I'm okay, I'll survive, it's JUST a computer. That lasted about 2 days. Then it became, well, I can just use other computers... and I have my iPhone... and I can run AIM and Twitter and Tumblr and Facebook from it, and occasionally check 9th, I'll be okay. THAT lasted about 3 more days.


It was frustrating, to say the least, but now I'm back and running a sleek 2.5" Seta 500GB hard drive. The good news is, my computer is SO much faster than it was before, and has tons more storage space. The bad news is I have to rebuild EVERYTHING that wasn't backed up: My iTunes library, my photo library, etc. etc. Still, I'm glad to be back. Here's to hoping I'll be back to my regular posting by next week!

And, just a sneak peek... I now have a camcorder, which means I'm probably going to dive pretty heftily into vlogging... keep an eye out for that!

Happy New Year, BTW!

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